There are a few different loan programs you can use to buy a home, but knowing which one is best for you can be tricky. That’s why I recommend you consult an expert such as myself.
Unlike banks, which are restricted to their own products and overlays, being a broker/owner in a wholesale market means I have access to many different mortgage loan programs. When I take a loan application, I’m going down the list and eliminating the banks I’m going to place that loan with.
How many different loan programs are available to homebuyers, though?
Let’s start with the zero down products, which include both USDA and VA loans. With the USDA loan, there are some income and area restrictions. Moving up, conventional loans offer 1%, 3%, and 5% down. After that, you have FHA loans, which offer 3.5% down.
Pick up the phone and call me so I can help you research which loan program is best for you.
In describing these programs, I like to keep it simple instead of going over all of their different highlights because, frankly, we get updates every Monday which change the eligibility on some of these products and programs.
If you’re trying to decide which loan program is best for you, don’t hesitate to call me so I can do the research for you and make that decision much easier.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me any way you can. I’d be happy to help you.
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